4 Tips for Photographing Your Uncooperative Toddler
You might be familiar with the experience: you hire someone to do a baby photoshoot, but your child isn't settling down for even a minute. Eventually, the session ends, and the baby photographer has to leave without taking all the great photos you had in mind. While you may not have been able to get your money's worth out of that photoshoot, here are some tips that'll help you get the required poses from your baby next time out: 1. Make Playing A Part of It You may find yourself thinking that playing during the newborn photoshoot is just a waste of time, but it’ll help calm the kids down and make them familiar with the environment. So,pick a location for the kids where they can play for a bit in between shots. It would help if you also were getting involved in the playing. That's not to say that you should roll around in the dirt with them, just that being fun and playful during the process might make the kids feel more comfortable, and ...